Top WordPress Plugins That Every New Blogger Should Use

WordPress Plugins

WordPress runs millions of blogs across the globe, and the service—particularly—offers some of the best customization options available on the internet. You may choose from various themes to make your website appear exactly as you want it to, and you can add a variety of plugins to improve the site’s functionality. WordPress plugins may help you make your website compatible with local legislation, prevent spam, and boost marketing activities. WordPress plugins are available for various additional uses, and we’ll highlight a dozen of the best options today.

Top WordPress Plugins That Every New Blogger Should Use

The best WordPress Plugins are listed here. So, let’s look at the list.

1. MonsterInsights

MonsterInsights allows you to monitor your site traffic more. You may examine your conversion rate, average order value, and the devices from which people visit your blog. MonsterInsights can measure the average length of time individuals spend on your blog and the total number of sessions. You must first sign up for Google Analytics to use MonsterInsights.

2. Mailchimp4WordPress (MC4W)

Mailchimp is among the most popular email marketing platforms, and you can integrate the service with your WordPress site using MC4W. MC4W is an unofficial plugin with over two million active installs as of May 2023, and it is simple to link your account to your site. In addition, you may create registration forms to help you grow your email list. Mailchimp4WordPress interacts with WooCommerce, WPForms, and several other WordPress plugins. The service may be managed from your dashboard.

3. CookieYes

If you maintain a blog in the EU or EEA, you must comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Part of these requirements requires getting users’ permission before storing cookies in their browsers. CookieYes is a free plugin for embedding a permission banner on your website. Users may change and tweak their choices as they see fit. After downloading the plugin, sign up for a CookieYes account and set things up on your blog.

4. Yoast SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential if you want people to discover your blog on Google, Bing, and other search engines. The free edition of Yoast, one of the most powerful SEO plugins, is perfect for new bloggers. Using the Yoast SEO plugin, you may choose a target keyword, and your posts will earn ratings. If you need to fill in any gaps, the tool will provide options, such as adding external links. You will also be given a reading score.

5. Cookiebot

Cookiebot, an alternative to CookieYes, assists your site in remaining GDPR compliant. The tool may also be used to comply with the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), which went into effect in January 2023. Cookiebot banners are available in over 40 languages, and the plugin is free for up to 50 subpages. If you want something more extensive as your blog grows, choose one of the numerous premium options.

6. Jetpack

For establishing an audience, website performance is just as crucial as high-quality content, and Jetpack is the best WordPress plugin for assisting in this regard. Jetpack has round-the-clock security capabilities to protect your site from external attacks, and you can back up your blog automatically. Jetpack also makes it easier to migrate your blog to a different server later on if you so want. You can also obtain analytics tools, as well as a variety of additional benefits. If you know how to code, you may use different JavaScript strategies to improve your performance.

7. Akismet Anti-Spam

Spam comments are an awful reality for online blogs, but anti-spam software may help to reduce the danger. Akismet is one tool that might help you defend your blog from spam comments. Akismet employs machine learning to determine what is and isn’t spam, and you can integrate the service with Jetpack and other WordPress site tools. The basic version is pay-what-you-want, while more expensive options have set pricing.

8. Classic Editor

WordPress has advanced toward similar block editing solutions seen on sites like Squarespace and Wix, but the Classic Editor plugin allows you to restore to a prior editing version. Using the Classic Editor, which also has a classic look, you may determine who will be the default editor for each page or blog. The Classic Editor plugin will be supported and updated until at least 2024.

9. Creative Mail

For audience interaction, selling potential, and a variety of other advantages, all artists, including writers, should establish an online newsletter. Creative Mail is a WordPress-designed option for producing email newsletters, and it is a free plugin to use. After integrating CreativeMail, you may access it from your main WordPress page anytime. You may use the functionality to sync blog posts and use WooCommerce, and it also connects with Jetpack. You may also use Creative Mail’s stock photos to help grow your newsletter.

10. Elementor

Reducing friction as much as possible can help you remain consistent in writing blog posts, and Elementor achieves this by making editing considerably easier. The plugin allows you to drag & drop pieces as you would on other popular website builders, and it supports over 90 widgets. Elementor is available in over 50 languages, and the tool was developed to keep your blog running at peak performance. The service offers a variety of premium options, as well as WooCommerce integration.

11. UpdraftPlus

It would be best to take every precaution to prevent your website’s material from being erased. However, knowing that you have a backup option helps if the worst happens—and UpdraftPlus allows you to blog with more security by backing up your posts. You can schedule backups using UpdraftPlus and anonymize personal data with the service. It comes in both free and paid editions.

12. WooCommerce

Your blog will likely make money later, but you should consider monetization as soon as feasible. One method is to list things you wish to sell, and WooCommerce is an open-source plugin that allows you greater control over your blog’s e-commerce components. You may modify your product pages and choose your preferred payment methods using WooCommerce. You may also sell one-time purchases as well as subscriptions.


When you create your blog, you don’t need a perfect website, but you should install the most important WordPress plugins to set yourself up for long-term success. It’s also a good idea to plan and set up your monetization systems early since this will save you time later. These WordPress plugins can help you measure website performance, meet regulatory standards, prevent spam, and more. So, why not integrate them into your site right now?

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