How to Improve your Writing Style? Best Writing Editor Apps

Writing Editor Apps

Bloggers and Writers are always looking for tools to improve their writing. So, Producing an error-free copy is a task. Grammatical and Spelling mistakes are not only embarrassing, but they also hinder the impact of your content. How to Improve your Writing Style? Best Writing Editor App to Improve Your Writing

Thankfully, several online tools will improve your writing and make the editing process a lot easier and more effective. We have listed some of these Writing Editor Apps that will help you polish every piece of content you write.



Writing Editor App

The Grammarly is available in a form or a Google Chrome extension as well as a web-based tool. This is real-time grammar, and spellcheck tool provides an excellent set of editing features across a wide range of platforms.

The UI of this application is excellent and straightforward to use. You can copy & paste the text into the textbox for an instant grammar check and misplaced punctuation.

This also comes with a plagiarism detection feature. The Grammarly claims that it corrects over 250 types of grammatical mistakes at one go. This also covers contextual spelling errors and low vocabulary usage.

This tool is available for free, and its premium version is available via a subscription plan that starts from $29.95 per month. This is a bummer that Grammarly is known as an add-on only for Microsoft Word and not for Google Doc.


Writing Editor App

If you want Free Tool, then you will have first to sign up. The ProWritingAid can be used as a standalone tool or Google Docs, Microsoft Word, or Google Chrome. It’s similar to other Writing Editor App; this one edits your work and gives you immediate feedback.

This offers insight into your text, including readability measure, overused words, sentence structure, dialogue, & much more. ProWritingAid points out cliches and unnecessary expressions such as who, what, when, where, and why.

This tool offers a Summary Report, which explains the edits for style and grammar. Here, You will see thumbs up or thumbs down emojis if you hit or miss the target.

The ProWritingAid is an almost complete packaged solution for all your editing worries. There is also a free version with basic features, but you will have to buy the premium version to use the plagiarism checker and other features.


Writing Editor App

2nd Typely is a relatively new Writing Editor App that sports a UI similar to a typewriter print. This offers stats such as word and character count, the time required to read your content, and more.

You can now save your work for later editing. This tool offers an ability to export your work to a PDF file, which contains the text with annotations pointing to the results.

Suppose you have a goal in mind, this feature will help you stay on track & identify what needs to be changed and where.

The Typely offers a phrase-by-phrase breakdown of those metrics. Several customization options can be selected according to your needs.


Writing Editor App

SlickWrite is a free Writing Editor App that makes it easy to check your writing for grammar errors and potential stylistic mistakes.

Well, The UI may not be visually appealing, but it’s easy to use. This offers various insights, such as vocabulary variety, adverbs, pronouns, uncommon words, and more.

This tool is quite fast in surfacing the results after you submit your writing. You can now divide the analysis with this tool into the structure, grammar, spelling, and other small details.

This even lets you save the edited work in a .txt document. The SlickWrite is a great standalone tool that is a mix of useful features and customization.

Hemingway App

Writing Editor App

This Hemingway App uses artificial intelligence to identify writing errors through natural language processing. This online editing tool is popular among writers and bloggers for its convenient text editing system.

So, All you need to do it paste the text into the app, & it will highlight sentences and phrases that are too complex. This Writing Editor App goes ahead and suggests eliminating excessive adverbs & turning passive voice passages into active voice.

This will even show the readability score of a piece of writing. This tool has a counter for words, characters, paragraphs, and sentences. Well, I like the user interface (UI) and the way it uses colours to represent different suggestions.

This Hemingway Writing Editor App is available for Windows and Mac for free. There is also a premium desktop version, which lets you access advanced features such as offline use, exporting privileges, and the capability to directly post content into a content management system (CMS).

Headline Analyzer

Writing Editor App

As the name advises, this Writing Editor App has specifically been developed for the headlines of your articles. The Headline Analyzer will help you create more enticing titles.

A headline is one of the essential parts of your article. So, Around 90% of people may not even read your post if the headline is not attractive.

You will have to register with this tool by filling a few personal details to use it. The Headline Analyzer measures the impact of your headlines, email subject lines, and even social messages.

All you must to do is enter your headline, and the tool provides a score, based on the usage of uncommon words, length, power words, and impact.

Well, Use this tool to scrap potentially poor-performing headlines before you make your post live.


Writing Editor App

The SmartEdit does 20 different types of checks on your content. It includes checking for misspellings and misused words, looking for repeated phrases, and highlighting adverbs. This doesn’t automatically get rid of the stories from your content.

This online tool also offers a redundancy list, a dialogue tag counter, a report on misused words, a prose-check system, a foreign phrases usage list, and much more.

The SmartEdit also searches for cliches and redundancies. Well, there is a 10-day free trial that lets you check out all the feature. The SmartEdit for Microsoft Word is available for $77.

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  3. Activate Showtime Anytime

Final Words:

Having a quick and straightforward online Writing Editor App is an excellent way to accomplish your writing goals. Do you know any other online tools? Please let me know if you do & which of the above tools helped you the most. We’d love to know!

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