How To Watch Deleted YouTube Videos? Best Methods

How To Watch Deleted YouTube Videos

It’s a lovely Saturday evening, and you’ve completed all your everyday responsibilities. You suddenly recall that you had uploaded a video on YouTube but couldn’t have the time to see how your audience reacted due to your busy schedule. When you attempt to watch YouTube videos, you discover that they have been deleted. It must be inconvenient. Don’t be concerned! Using the four methods described in the article, you can always find and watch deleted YouTube Videos.

How To Watch Deleted YouTube Videos? Best Methods

You may be saddened or irritated if your YouTube video gets deleted. Here are some efficient methods for learning how to find and watch deleted YouTube videos!

Watch Deleted YouTube Videos With Link

Well, the Internet Archive Wayback Machine is one of the most efficient methods to watch deleted YouTube videos. Simply said, it is a digital archive of the World Wide Web from which you may get all information on material uploaded to the Internet. To find the Internet and download publicly available web pages, it employs a sophisticated algorithm similar to Google. The website provides free access to an endless number of websites, movies, software, and other resources. If you can’t find the video on your YouTube channel, this is an efficient approach to locate and watch deleted YouTube videos. All you need is a link to your previous video. Well, you may be wondering how to watch deleted YouTube videos using a link. The following steps are to download the deleted YouTube video via (or the Way Back Machine).

  • Log in to the YouTube email account to find information about past videos you’ve uploaded to your channel. It also includes YouTube videos that have been lost or deleted.
  • Locate and tap the video data. Open the URL of your deleted video. However, you will be unable to play the video via URL.
  • Now, if you’ve the URL, go to the Wayback Machine website, paste it in the search field, and tap the Browse History option.

How To Watch Deleted YouTube Videos

  • It will open the YouTube video’s upload history. Here, you may find videos based on their upload date.
  • You may download the deleted video after you have obtained all of the necessary information. You may re-upload it if you wish.

Furthermore, if you still need to back up the video, do it this time.

Watch Deleted YouTube Videos From Backups

How To Watch Deleted YouTube Videos

Well, you can always watch deleted YouTube videos by recovering them, as explained in the previous technique, assuming you have the URL of your old video. However, if you had backed up the YouTube videos, this problem would not have occurred. A backup will allow you to retrieve your video easily. Given the low likelihood of such a catastrophe, you may never use your backup. This is why most individuals fail to make a backup. However, frequent data backups serve as an excellent practice for recovering any lost data. Furthermore, it is quite beneficial in any future similar sad situations. Even if you back up data from YouTube videos, the instructions to find and watch deleted YouTube videos may differ depending on your operating system and backup provider. If you make frequent backups, you should be able to and efficiently recover YouTube videos.

Note: Please remember that recently downloaded YouTube videos may not be part of your backup material. In such circumstances, you must find other methods to recover deleted YouTube videos.

Watch Deleted YouTube Videos Without Wayback Machine

If the Wayback Machine doesn’t work, you may use Google Search to find and watch deleted YouTube videos. Some viewers may have transferred deleted YouTube videos to other services, so if you Google search the video with the unique video identifier, you may still find and watch deleted YouTube videos on other platforms.

  • Find the deleted YouTube video URL and copy its unique video identifier. The “v=xxxxxxx” part of the URL is referred to as the unique video identification.
  • Google will provide the necessary terms if you search for the video identification. If the deleted YouTube video has been uploaded to another website, you may find it here. You may re-watch the video by clicking the page.

Watch Deleted YouTube Videos By Contacting YouTube Support

If nothing works to restore the deleted videos, you may always contact YouTube customer service. You may email YouTube requesting that the video upload be restored. Well, if your YouTube channel has over 10,000 views, you can contact them by following these steps.

  • Log in to the YouTube account and click the ‘Help’ link at the bottom of your page.

How To Watch Deleted YouTube Videos

  • Select “Get Creators Support” from “Need More Help.”
  • Click “Email Support” after choosing the appropriate category for the issue.
  • You may also tap the “Contact Creator Support team” link.

Other Methods To Watch Deleted YouTube Videos

Use Third-party Websites

  • Use search engines such as Bing, Google, or DuckDuckGo.
  • In the search field, type in the video title, keywords, or video ID.
  • Go through the search results to find websites that may have re-uploaded the deleted content.
  • Check the websites to see whether the video is watchable.

Check Social Media And Forums

  • Explore social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and Instagram.
  • Look for the video title or similar terms using the platform’s search engine.
  • Please review the search results to find any posts or comments that may include the deleted video or links.


How To Watch YouTube Videos?

YouTube has developed into an efficient source of entertainment and education for people all around the globe throughout time. If you know how to access YouTube videos correctly, you will have the most fun with the video-sharing network. The YouTube platform’s user interface is designed to make the whole experience fast and simple. To watch any video on YouTube, click the play button. When you click the button, a video begins to play. Each YouTube video comes with its own set of controls. This includes.

  • A video is paused or played.
  • Change the size of the screen.
  • Controlling the volume.
  • Watch the video in full-screen mode.

Furthermore, after watching a few YouTube videos, you may adjust your YouTube account. Among other things, you may subscribe to favorite channels, watch videos from friends, and check out highlighted videos. Here are the functionalities of the four YouTube catalog tabs.

Home – You may check highlighted videos, adjust your subscriptions (including favorite channels), and more.

Videos – All YouTube videos are divided into four categories. It includes the most-watched, highlighted, trending, and other videos.

Channels – It provides many channels with billions of videos to watch from various channels.

Community – The community tab directs you to numerous forums, blogs, competitions, and other resources.

Is It Possible To Recover Deleted Videos On YouTube?

Yes, you can recover deleted YouTube videos. You may access the videos using one of many YouTube deleted video recovery solutions. While some entail watching the deleted YouTube Videos using a link, others involve finding the deleted videos in backups. Furthermore, certain recovery software can recover lost YouTube videos.

How To Protect YouTube Videos?

It would be best to understand why your YouTube videos were deleted. Any YouTube video that breaches the website’s unique rules and regulations, which are as follows, may be removed.

Copyright Issue – If you used music, video, or other third-party content, the real owner of the video may request that YouTube delete your video.

Privacy Complaints – If you expose a person’s personal information without authorization, deliberately or accidentally.

Content Issues – If your video encourages inappropriate or abuse, YouTube may remove it without notice.

Before you upload the video again, you must comply with the request for video deletion for any of the reasons listed above. Regardless, there are a few things you can do to preserve YouTube videos.

Regular Backups – You should always have a backup of any movies uploaded to your computer.

Avoid The Use Of Offensive Content – Avoid harsh language that puts viewers on edge and causes them to report the video.

Use Original Content – You must not copy any content from other sources. If your video goes viral, you may be forced to repay for the content if you have monetized it.

Final Thoughts:

If you are new to YouTube as a creator, you may encounter an issue if your video gets removed from the site for whatever reason. The methods described in this article help you to find and watch deleted YouTube videos.

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