Polls are a fantastic way to learn what people think, how they feel, and what they want. You can use a poll to get honest feedback about a certain subject. The right place for you if you’re a member of the Discord community and want to hear more about how other people feel. The Discord gives us 3 ways to create polls; you can create a new channel designated for polls, use a third-party website, and/or add a bot. This post will guide you on how to create a poll in Discord on any platform.
On An iPhone, How To Create A Poll In Discord?
Even though it may seem more difficult because of the smaller screen, it’s easy to create polls in Discord on an iPhone. There are several ways to do it.
Create A Poll Without Any Additional Tools
The easiest way to create a poll in Discord that doesn’t need any additional tools is to use reactions. Follow these steps to make a poll in a new channel:
1 – Open Discord.
2 – Choose a server.
3 – Next, tap the three dots next to the server’s name.
4 – Next, tap “Create channel.”
5 – Name the channel or poll. Use a name that is related to the poll’s topic.
6 – Tap “Create.”
7 – Customize the permissions for the channel. Everyone should be able to Allow to read messages and history and add reactions.
8 – Next, go back to the channel and enter the poll’s text and voting instructions.
9 – Tell people about the poll and ask them to vote.
Use The Poll-Maker
You can use Poll-Maker on your iPhone to access polls. In Poll-Maker, follow the instructions below to create a poll that can be used in Discord:
1 – Open Safari. Then, go to the Poll-Maker site.
2 – Enter the poll question and write down all the possible answers.
3 – Tap “Create Poll.”
4 – Copy the poll’s link.
5 – Open the Discord app. Paste the link into a channel and/or a message. Don’t forget to give information about the poll.
To see the results, you need to have an account with Poll-Maker.
Use The Poll-Bot
The last way is to use Discord’s Poll-Bot, a free tool for creating reaction and straw polls. Do this to create polls with Poll-Bot:
1 – Open your browser. Then, go to the Poll-Bot website.
2 – Tap “Invite.”
3 – If you need to, sign in to your account and choose a server.
4 – Next, tap “Continue,” then “Authorize,” and finish the verification process.
5 – Open the Discord app.
6 – Go to the server where you added Poll-Bot.
7 – Open a channel for the poll.
8 – Next, open the channel’s settings and tap “Permissions.”
9 – Tap “Add member” and select “Poll-Bot.” Enable it to be able to read and send messages.
You can now choose whether you want to create a straw, a reaction, or a yes/no poll.
Create A Straw Poll With Poll-Bot
Create a straw poll if you want to give more than one option. This is how to create one:
1 – In the text box, type “+strawpoll {question} [answer 1] [answer 2] [answer 3]”.
2 – The Poll-Bot will create a URL to the poll automatically.
Create A Multiple Reaction Poll With Poll-Bot
Here’s how to create a poll that asks people to press an emoji to answer:
1 – In the text box, type “+poll {question} [answer 1] [answer 2] [answer 3]”
2 – The Poll-Bot will create a message containing your question and the emojis for each answer automatically.
Create A Yes/No Poll With Poll-Bot
To create a yes/no poll, follow these steps:
1 – Type “+poll question” in the box. Instead of “question,” put the poll question in.
2 – The Poll-Bot will create a poll with your question automatically. If you’re unsure, there are thumbs up, thumbs down, and a shrugging emoji.
On An Android Phone, How To Create A Poll In Discord?
There are many ways to create polls on Android if you want to find out what other people think about a certain topic.
Create A Poll Without Any Additional Tools
If you don’t want to use any other tools, you can create a new channel just for the poll and ask people to enter emojis for their answers there. Here’s how to easily create a poll in Discord without any extra tools:
1 – Open the Discord app.
2 – Select the server where you want to create the poll.
3 – Next, tap the three dots next to the server’s name.
4 – Choose “Create channel.”
5 – Name the channel or poll. We suggest using a name related to the poll.
6 – Tap the “Check button.”
7 – Everyone should be able to Allow to read messages and history and add reactions in “Permissions.”
8 – Next, return to the channel and enter the question. Voting instructions should be given, and emojis should be used for each answer.
9 – Ask people to vote.
Use The Poll-Maker
Poll-Maker is a tool for creating polls in Discord that you can use. You can use any browser to get to it. This is how to create a poll in Poll-Maker and add it on Discord:
1 – Open your browser. Then, go to the Poll-Maker website.
2 – Next, type the poll question and potential answers.
3 – Tap “Create Poll” and copy its link.
4 – Open the Discord app. Paste the poll’s link into a channel and/or a message.
When you send a poll in Discord, you should tell people that it’s a poll because they will only see the link. So even though you don’t need an account to create a poll in Poll-Maker, you’ll need one to see the results of the polls you make.
Use The Poll-Bot
Poll-Bot is a free bot for creating polls on Discord. You’ll first need to access it through a browser and add the bot to the channel you want to use. That’s when you can choose the poll type. Then, follow these steps to add Poll-Bot to a Discord channel step by step.
1 – Open a browser. Then, go to the Poll-Bot website.
2 – Tap “Invite.”
3 – Sign in and tap a server.
4 – Press “Continue,” then “Authorize,” and follow the steps to finish the process.
5 – Open the Discord app.
6 – Next, open the server with Poll-Bot.
7 – Open a channel for the poll.
8 – Open settings and press “Permissions.”
9 – Choose “Add member” and then tap “Poll-Bot.” Lastly, Allow Poll-Bot to send and read messages.
Based on the question and possible answers, select the right poll type to answer it.
Create A Straw Poll With Poll-Bot
Poll-Bot on Android lets you create a straw poll. To do this, follow these steps:
1 – In the message box, enter “+strawpoll {question} [answer 1] [answer 2] [answer 3]”.
2 – The Poll-Bot will automatically create a URL redirecting participants to the poll.
Create A Multiple Reaction Poll With Poll-Bot
A multiple reaction poll lets people choose an emoji answer:
1 – Enter “+poll {question} [answer 1] [answer 2] [answer 3]” in the text box.
2 – The Poll-Bot creates a message with your question and emojis for each answer.
Create A Yes/No Poll With Poll-Bot
If you only want a “yes” or “no” answer:
1 – With your poll question, type “+poll question.” Replace “question.”
2 – The Poll-Bot will create a poll automatically with 3 possible answers: thumbs up, thumbs down, and a shrugging emoji.
On A PC, How To Create A Poll In Discord?
Well, most users prefer to use Discord on PC. So how do you do it? There are a lot of ways to do it!
Create A Poll Without Any Additional Tools
If you want to create a simple poll in Discord, you don’t need to use any tools. You can do this:
1 – Open the Discord app. Then, go to the Discord website and click “Open Discord in your browser.”
2 – Choose the server on which you want to create the poll.
3 – Click the drop-down arrow and choose “Create channel.”
4 – Name the channel or poll and create it.
5 – Set up the permissions so that other people can vote.
6 – Next, return to the channel and type the question. Voting steps and which emojis to use when you answer should be written down.
7 – Tell people to vote and explain the rules.
Use The Poll-Maker
Poll-Maker is a tool for creating polls. After you create a poll, you can paste the link to it to a Discord channel or message. Here’s how:
1 – Open the browser and go to the Poll-Maker website.
2 – Type in the poll question and answers.
3 – Choose “Create Poll” and copy its link.
4 – Go to the Discord website or Open the Discord app. Paste the link into the right channel or message.
People should know what the link is about. Also, you’ll need to create an account to see the results.
Use The Poll-Bot
The Poll-Bot is Discord’s free bot for running polls. The process has 2 parts: adding the bot to a Discord channel and creating a poll. To add Poll-Bot to a Discord channel, follow the instructions below:
1 – Go to the Poll-Bot website.
2 – Click “Invite.”
3 – Sign in and choose a server for the poll.
4 – Follow the steps to complete the verification process.
5 – Either open the Discord app or go to the website.
6 – Open the server.
7 – You must go to the channel that you want to add the poll.
8 – Open settings and click “Permissions.”
9 – Lastly, add Poll-Bot to the channel as a new member. Allow it to send and read messages.
The poll type you choose now that you’ve added Poll-Bot to the channel is up to you:
Create A Straw Poll With Poll-Bot
To create a straw poll, follow these steps:
1 – In the message box, enter “+strawpoll {question} [answer 1] [answer 2] [answer 3]”.
2 – The Poll-Bot will create a link to the poll automatically.
Create A Multiple Reaction Poll With Poll-Bot
Multiple reaction polls enable people to choose an emoji as an answer to a question:
1 – In the message box, enter “+poll {question} [answer 1] [answer 2] [answer 3]”.
2 – The Poll-Bot will create the poll automatically.
Create A Yes/No Poll With Poll-Bot
To create a yes/no poll, follow these steps:
1 – Enter “+poll question” in the box. “Question” should be changed to “Poll Question.”
2 – The Poll-Bot creates a poll automatically with 3 answers: thumbs up, thumbs down, and a shrugging emoji.
A Server Manager will have a lot of fun with polls because they’re so easy to do! So here are some answers to questions you may have about Discord if you want to know more.
Does Discord Offer A Built-in Polling Option?
The answer isn’t. Even though that’s a good thing. Discord is one of the best things about it. Users can add bots to the platform or post links to other websites with the help of bots.
Can Anyone Post A Poll?
Yes! But all users can’t add bots. There are a lot of places you can go to post a poll, but you’ll need one of these third-party sites to do it.
Wrapping Up:
Well, learning how to create a poll in Discord can help you get to know other members and learn more about their opinions on a certain subject. Regardless of what kind of device you have, there are many ways to create polls. We hope this post helped you learn more about how to run polls in Discord and what to look for when you do it. Have you ever created any polls in Discord? Do you prefer creating polls on your phone or PC? Let us know what you think in the comments below.