6 Consumer Trends That Every Ecommerce Business Should Know

6 Consumer Trends That Every Ecommerce Business Should Know

Euromonitor’s annual report reveals the biggest global consumer trends of 2022. This knowledge is crucial for ecommerce businesses that rely on selling products to customers. Something much easier to do if they understand what their customers are after and what is likely to make them turn away. 

With climate change and health on the agenda, this year’s Euromonitor report reveals a big move towards sustainable products and a quest to be kinder and more inclusive. We want personalized products that reflect our values. Here are six of the most important ones to watch out for.

1. Customers want a personalized shopping experience

Technological advances have made it much easier to customize the consumer experience and people have come to expect it when they visit sites. We are also more eager to fulfill ourselves and seek out places that best align with our passions and personal values. As a business, you can personalize the shopping experience to reflect that. Find reviews of ecommerce software and tech at webretailer.com that can help you customize your site.

2. We expect businesses to be sustainable

Consumers are becoming increasingly anxious about the climate, which is affecting their consumer’s habits. Rather than buying what’s cheapest, they are buying what is considered most sustainable and favor companies that are conscious of the environment. Ecommerce businesses, therefore, do well to consider how they can make their shipping and packaging more eco-friendly.

6 Consumer Trends That Every Ecommerce Business Should Know

3. More people shop on their phones

When consumers buy goods online, they are becoming more and more likely to do so on their phones instead of on a laptop. For ecommerce businesses, this means it’s vital their website is optimized for all kinds of digital devices – especially smartphones. For there is nothing worse than trying to purchase an item from a company site that does not have a proper mobile version.

4. Digital users are not just young anymore

For many years, businesses have worked with the assumption that older people were unlikely to purchase goods online. As a result, marketing and adverts have often been geared towards younger audiences. But the pandemic, which forced more people to do their shopping online, has expanded the digital audience with more seniors embracing the digital world.

5. Personal growth is at the forefront

When you develop new products it’s good to bear in mind that the consumers of 2022 are focused on personal growth and authenticity. They want wellbeing and more meaning in their lives and by designing products that help with that, or by considering it as part of your branding, you can tap into a whole new market.

6. Secondhand items are gaining popularity

Finally, there is the secondhand craze. More customers buy used items, either to look after the environment or because they are after unique items that cost less. As an ecommerce business, you can take advantage of that by offering a vintage-branded product, opening a marketplace for used goods, or even making your own products from recycled materials.

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