
Top 10 Free eBook Download Sites You Can Use

eBooks are a great way to maintain a huge collection of books on your phone, tablet, or computer. You will enjoy reading eBooks if you like reading and can never have too many books. However, you need to know the correct sites to visit to ensure free eBook downloads are easy to find. As a result, to assist you, this post covers some of the best sites that provide free eBooks for you to read. There is something for everyone on these free eBook download sites.

Top 10 Free eBook Download Sites

The best Free eBook Download Sites are listed here. So, let’s look at the list.

1. Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg is one of the best free eBook download sites. It is a charitable project supported by volunteers and fundraisers that strives to gather and provide as many high-quality eBooks as possible. Most of its collection comprises public domain titles, but you may find other things if you explore around. As of this writing, Gutenberg offers over 60,000 free eBooks. They may be downloaded in EPUB and MOBI formats (some are only accessible in one of the two) and read online in HTML. In addition, you may search the library by category (there are hundreds), most popular (which means total download count), newest (which means upload date), or random (which is a great way to find fresh content to read).

2. ManyBooks

ManyBooks is a small useful site that has been operating for more than a decade. Its mission is to select and provide a library of free and inexpensive fiction eBooks for people to download and read. Project Gutenberg seeded most of its collection in the mid-2000s. However, with the addition of thousands of self-published works made accessible for free, it has developed its personality. Downloads are accessible in dozens of formats, including EPUB, MOBI, and PDF, and each tale gets a five-star rating, something Project Gutenberg lacks.

3. Google Play

Many people need to be aware that Google Play offers a plethora of free eBooks for download. Go to the charts and pick Top Free to find free eBooks on Google Play. You can find thousands of free eBooks. In addition, you can check reviews to determine whether they’re worth reading. The charting system also rates the best free books, allowing you to spend your time reading something interesting. While Google Play is only available for Android devices, you may install the app on your iPhone or iPad to read books.

4. Feedbooks

It has a huge collection of downloadable eBooks, including fiction and nonfiction, public domain and copyrighted works, and free and premium titles. Many of the books on Feedbooks are charged; however, there are some great free eBooks in the public domain category that you can find. In addition, some free original books are available, which you may find in various categories. You cannot, however, sort by price. Most eBooks are accessible in EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. They also provide word counts and reading time estimations to help you decide what to read.

5. Open Library

It is one of the best digital libraries where you can free download eBooks, not only in the public domain but also in newly published popular titles. Open Library is a searchable database of all free eBooks accessible on The Internet Archive. The number of books accessible may surprise you; at the time of writing, the library was approaching 1.5 million pieces. With the help of the scrollable categories on the Open Library site, you can easily find and read the books you’re looking for. Romance, Kids, and History are among the most popular categories. In the catalog, you may also find several textbooks. The site is open source, meaning anybody may modify each book’s material.

6. International Children’s Digital Library

You may spend much money on new titles if your kid is a bookworm. Unless, of course, you can find a trustworthy source of free eBooks for kids. Anyone with young readers would appreciate the International Children’s Digital Library. Books come in a variety of lengths and levels of reading ability. You may also search by characteristics that interest children, such as the color of the cover. For easy searching, each book is listed in a certain category. The International Children’s Digital Library seems limited, but some great titles still need to be discovered. The eBooks on this page are also available in various languages, with most titles in English.

7. Centsless Books

Centsless Books, unlike the other free eBook download sites on this list, is a curator-aggregator of free Kindle books accessible on Amazon. Its purpose is to make it easy for you to keep track of all the free eBooks accessible from the online shop. It’s vital to note that some of the “free” eBooks detailed on Centsless Books are only available if you’re a part of Kindle Unlimited. Unfortunately, Kindle Unlimited may not be worth it. However, if you have it, it may be a great addition.

8. BookBub

BookBub is a site committed to making it easy to find new writers. As a result, BookBub has a big collection of independent writers, all of whom give free eBooks. You can read reviews, check out the summary, and decide whether this is a book you want to read using BookBub. BookBub is best for people who have read all the classics and are looking for fresh, intriguing reads.

9. PDFBooksWorld

What if you prefer to read in PDF over the other two primary eBook formats, EPUB and MOBI? While EPUBs and MOBIs have essentially taken over, reading PDF eBooks is still popular. And for a good reason: PDFs are compatible with all platforms and devices. If you want to work with PDFs, check out PDFBooksWorld. While the collection is tiny (just a few thousand titles), they are all free and PDF-optimized. A Tale of Two Cities, The Great Gatsby, Crime and Punishment, and other literary masterpieces are among them. You may also read these books online, making the site great for academic projects or citations.


As the name suggests, provides thousands of free eBooks. The content is divided into six categories: fiction, nonfiction, romance, science fiction, self-help, and business. To download free eBooks, you must first establish a completely free account. You may download up to five free titles monthly if you have an account. In addition, dozens of different languages are accessible for books in addition to English.

The Bottom Line:

Pay attention to Amazon Prime. Prime Reading, in particular, provides access to hundreds of free eBooks in complement to all of the other fantastic features of Amazon Prime. The best part about many free eBooks is that they lack DRM. This means you are allowed to use the number of devices on which you can read them. So, what are you holding out for? Download some free eBooks!

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