
How to Fix Update Error 0x80071160 in Windows 10

Windows Updates usually contain some important patches that protect your system from different malicious attacks. But they can also cause errors at times, and one such error is Windows Update Error 0x80071160 that has been experienced while trying to update or install some Windows 10 updates.
This error mostly occurs due to a glitch or corrupted Windows Update system components. In this guide, we’ll take you through four useful solutions that will help you to fix this issue.


Windows 10 Update Error 0x80071160 Solutions

To fix Windows 10 Update Error 0x80071160, use the steps –

1. Run Windows Update Troubleshooter

Many times it has been reported to fix such kind of issue simply by running the Windows Update Troubleshooter tool. It identifies the problem and tries to fix it automatically, which protects you from going through a hassle. The procedure to run this tool is as follows:

  1. Right-click on the Start menu and select the Settings app.
  2. Choose Update & Security > Troubleshoot.
  3. Go to the right pane and select “Additional troubleshooters.”
  4. Select Windows Update and then click Run the troubleshooter button to start the repairing process.
  5. It might take a little while to complete the task. Once it completes, Then restart your computer & try to install the updates.

2. Clear the SoftwareDistribution folder

Removes the contents of the Software Distribution folder and try to install the Windows Update again. The procedure is as follows:

net stop wuauserv
net stop bits

Running the above commands will stop the Windows Update Service and the Background Intelligent Transfer Service.


Note: You may not be able to delete a file if the file is being used at that time. In that case, restart your device, execute the above commands, and then delete the files.

net start wuauserv
net start bits

This will restart the Windows Update and Background Intelligent Transfer services.

3. Manually download and install the Update

If even after deleting the SoftwareDistribution folder, the error is still persisting, then download and install the Update manually via Microsoft Update Catalog.

  1. Open the Windows 10 Update History page.
  2. Go to the left pane and select your Windows 10 edition.
  3. Scroll down to the below section entitled “In this Release” and click the top link.
  4. Now move to the right-pane and note the KB number.
  5. Visit Microsoft Update Catalog and search for the “KB” number you noted.
  6. Then press enters, and it will display a list of available updates. Select the Update one matching your system architecture.
  7. Click the Download button and then select the Topmost link on the next page.
  8. Once it completes, double-click the setup file to start updating your Windows 10 OS.

4. Perform Clean Boot

In case if none of the above Steps work to solve the Update Error 0x80071160, you can perform a clean boot to eliminate the software conflicts that occur when you install a Non-Microsoft program or Update. Here is how to proceed –

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